Contact Information


Mailing address:
Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Institutional Review Office
1100 Fairview Ave. N.
Mail Stop J2-100
Seattle, WA 98109

Contact Information

Last Modified: 03-05-25

Hutch IRB Training

This page provides a variety of training options for how to use Hutch IRB.

For all users, a Hutch IRB Training Environment is available as a sandbox. Try out Hutch IRB before submitting a live application.

The System Access Training is the only training required to obtain access to Hutch IRB. However, we strongly recommend you also take part in the other training opportunities listed below.

System Access Training

To gain access to Hutch IRB, you must first complete a brief System Access Training module in Hutch Learning. It should take about 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

Link for System Access Training:

For anyone in the Cancer Consortium who requires access but does not have Fred Hutch or legacy SCCA credentials:  We will also need you to fill out this REDCap form so that we can process your access.

Once you have completed the training, and submitted the REDCap form if applicable, IRO will process your access to the system.

Where Should Study Documents Be Attached?

In Hutch IRB, submission documents are attached to a study's SmartForm pages. The following guide is intended to support study teams in uploading documents to the correct locations.

Where to attach documents in Hutch IRB

Optional One-on-One Coaching and Office Hours

To request 1:1 coaching, contact

Office hours are also available to support study teams with Hutch IRB:

Wednesday mornings, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PST.

Join on your computer or mobile app:

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 239 228 206 007
Passcode: wpNwY2

Download Teams | Join on the web

Online, Self-Serve Training Modules

A number of online training modules will be available for self-service training. Modules will be added here, so please check back periodically. Some modules are interactive Hutch Learning courses, and others are videos you may watch.

Customized Hutch IRB Modules




Study teams
Navigate the IRB Workspace
Online Video
Study teams
Navigate the Study Workspace

Online Video

Study teams

Creating and Submitting a New Study Through to Approval



Hutch Learning

Fred Hutch

Other Affiliations

Create and Submit a Study
Online Video
Study teams
Create a Modification
Online Video
Study teams
Create and Submit a Continuing Review
Online Video
Study teams
Respond to a Clarification Request
Online Video
Study teams
Respond to Modifications Required
Online Video
Study teams
Submit Reportable New Information (RNI) Submissions
Online Video

Study teams

Creating and Managing a Participating Site (including Modifications and Continuing Review)

Hutch Learning

Fred Hutch

Other Affiliations

Study teams

External IRB Files

Coming soon

IRB members

Full Committee Reviews

Hutch Learning

Fred Hutch

IRB members who are designated reviewers

Designated Member Reviews

Hutch Learning

Fred Hutch

IRB staff

Processing Submissions in Hutch IRB

Hutch Learning

Fred Hutch


Standard Modules from Huron

Huron is the vendor of the IRB software on which Hutch IRB is based. Huron provides standard videos for navigating the product. Please note that these modules are not customized to Hutch IRB, so there will be some minor differences from our system.




IRB staffNavigate the Central Staff DashboardHuron video

Migrated Studies in Hutch IRB

Adding Study Team Members and PI Proxies

At launch in March 2023, only the PI and Primary Contact had access to a migrated study in Hutch IRB. To allow any other study team members access to view, edit, or submit on the study, review these instructions.

HRP-155 - Adding Study Team Members and PI Proxies in Hutch IRB


Completing the Record

At launch, only data was migrated into Hutch IRB. You were required to “complete the record” by attaching existing documents in a Modification submission. Review the instructions.

HRP-156 - Completing the Record on Migrated Studies in Hutch IRB


Completing the Record - External Studies

For External Studies relying on an external IRB:  At launch, only data was migrated into Hutch IRB At the time that you inform IRO of the next continuing review having been completed with your IRB of record, you should have also “completed the record” by attaching documents. Review the instructions. 

HRP-158 - Completing the Record for Migrated External Studies in Hutch IRB


Completing the Record - Participating Site (pSite)

If a lead file had a Participating Site (pSite) at launch of Hutch IRB, only limited data was migrated into Hutch IRB (site location, title, and site PI). A "complete the record" modification should have been submitted in Hutch IRB to complete the SmartForm Basic Site Information and to attach currently approved documents for the pSite.

HRP-162 - Completing the Record on Migrated Participating Sites (pSites) in Hutch IRB