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Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Institutional Review Office
1100 Fairview Ave. N.
Mail Stop J2-100
Seattle, WA 98109

Contact Information

Last Modified: 12-05-24

Translated Short Forms

For research participants who do not speak and/or read English, a short form consent process may be used [45 CFR 46.117(b)(2)); 21 CFR 50.27(b)(2)]. The short form is used to document that the elements of informed consent were orally presented to the research participant by a qualified interpreter.

The translated short form consents available on this page may be used to consent non-English speaking participants onto a study, provided the IRB has approved (1) the enrollment of non-English speakers and (2) the use of the short form consent process. 


  • Before and during the use of a short form, you must carefully review the Short Form Consent Process requirements.
  • You must receive prospective IRB approval to use the short form process to consent non-English speaking participants. Before downloading a form from this page, first confirm that the IRB has approved the use of the short form process for your study.
  • The short forms below have already been approved by the Fred Hutch IRB, so you do not need to submit them for IRB review.

If IRO does not have the short form translated into a language or dialect you need, contact to request a new translation. IRO facilitates all translations of the short form so that the new languages are then available to other researchers.  

The list below shows the translated short forms currently available.